GoSexy Discussion started by GoSexy 9 years ago
The F-word (in Quebec)

The next time you stub your toe you might also want to bite your tongue before uttering a swear word if you happen to be in Quebec. It's not that Quebecers are prudes or dislike foul language, per se, it's just that they happen to have their own heavenly style of swearing, which involves cursing the sacred items of the Catholic Church. It might seem a bit weird until you let an angry tah-bar-nac (the box where the Eucharist is kept) roll off your tongue. It has to be one of the most satisfying words to utter in a fit of agitation. Other popular swear words include os-tee (the communion wafer) and ka-lees (the cup from which you drink the holy wine). For extra punch, try combining the words into super swears: os-ti tah-bar-nac or ka-lees tah-bar-nac. Whatever you do, keep those F-bombs to yourself.

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