GoSexy Discussion started by GoSexy 9 years ago
Can Bitcoin Change Wi-Fi For the Better?
It's certainly not unusual in the bitcoin and blockchain industry to see several companies coalesce around a new use case for the technology. However, what may be novel about the sudden focus on Wi-Fi is the size and ubiquity of the consumer pain point.
To date, startups such as the Boost VC-backed BitMesh and Wi-Fi services provider WIFI Metropolis are both developing concepts around the idea. The consensus? The popularity yet inaccessibility of Wi-Fi networks offers a compelling use case for bitcoin today, one that is more promising when compared to the costs consumers currently bear for data access at home and on-the-go.


"Wi-Fi is virtually everywhere," explained WIFI Metropolis chief Wi-Fi explorer Reilly Smith. "If you walk around a dense area there's going to be signals, none of which you can really connect to. I pay for data out of convenience because it's such a hassle to deal with Wi-Fi."
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