GoSexy Discussion started by GoSexy 8 years ago

Need Beats? We can help with that! If you're an Artist, Songwriter or Manager looking for beats or a producer to work with, submit your info NOW for a FREE email blast to our directory of Producers. Submit Now!

This is a FREE service for all site users.
NO Membership Required!

Both Members and Non Members receive a guaranteed email blast to 100+ Producers within 24 hours of submitting information.

All users with a site Membership will also be included in an additional email blast sent to over 1,500 Producers on October 15th.

Kelby Cannick
Makin' It Magazine

ATTN PRODUCERS: If you would like to be added to list of Producers who receive artists information immediately, Become a Member on the site and complete your profile.
You need to be a member of this group before you can participate in this discussion.