GoSexy Discussion started by GoSexy 8 years ago
In our last newsletter we announced the reduction of the Maintenance and Electricity Fee (MEF),and made a promise to keep the trend up.

As a result of our work, we have managed to reduce the MEF for SHA-256 contracts by additional 25%, from 0.006 USD per 10 GH/s to 0.0045 USD per 10 GH/s. We are sure that there are greater results to be achieved in the future.

Along with the MEF reduction we are also offering a 10% discount on SHA-256 contract purchases starting from 1 TH/s.
Use the code HF16SHA10WH before 15.08.16 to receive the discount.

We would also like to remind you about the 20% discount on ETHASH contract purchases starting from 1 MH/s.
Use the code HF16ETHASH20M before 15.08.16 to receive the discount.

Stay tuned for more updates!

HashFlare Team
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