GoSexy Discussion started by GoSexy 9 years ago

Last week we had an incredible webinar with over 600 people registered to it! And we have to say - "It was awesome", so we decided to make another one.

In order to support the momentum for all of you, we have decided to do a giveaway campaign as well!

Here is what you need to do, in order to win up to 100$ towards your hashrate:  

    First, make sure to click "Going" on the event page;

    Click the "Invite" button on the event page and in the drop down menu click on "Choose friends" button;

    Mark 50 friends or more (but not less than 50), make a screenshot of the page (so that we could clearly see how many people have you marked);

    Click on “Send Invites” button.

    Now send us the screenshot! To do so, go to our Facebook page, click on “message”, and then on a clip icon to attach the screenshot.

That's it! A private message with the screenshot attached means you are a part of our giveaway campaign, congratulations!
And most important, here is the list of prizes you can win:

    1st place. 100$ towards your Ethereum hashrate.

    2nd place. 50$ towards your Ethereum hashrate.

    3rd place. 25$ towards your Ethereum hashrate.

We will announce the winner next day after the webinar!

Come join the upcoming webinar, it's free!

Click here to sign up.

With best regards,

HashFlare.io Team

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